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Things to Consider When looking for an EBook Platform


Most people today love to read their books online through various digital platforms. It is therefore important that as a publisher you ensure that you take your time to review the various digital platforms so that you are able to get the ideal one for your book. Some of the things that you should consider when looking for an ideal digital platform are briefly highlighted below.



One of the first and important things to consider is if the digital platform is offering you flexible pricing. There are digital platforms that allow you to have fixed subscriptions and others allow you a conservative pricing that is later reviewed based on case you want to avoid upfront costs, you can look for platforms that allow you to  publish for free and then later adopt a revenue sharing model based on what you are looking for and it is something that you should consider before signing up for ChatEbooks top urban fiction books platform.



Customization is another thing that you should look into when you are looking for an ebook platform. The interface of the platform should be customizable and easy to configure should you wish to customize your product. By being able to customize your product, you are able to give users a quality experience.



It is also very important to look for a ChatEbooks platform that gives you an opportunity to get data that helps you with analytics and reporting. Great data is crucial if you are to make good decisions as well as helps you track what your users like and what they do not like engaging with your clients through feedback through reviews and suggestions is equally important.



The platform that you choose should also be able to support various media types from videos to simulations, games as well as animations. Things like alternative text and captions should also be differentiated well so that the user experience can be enhanced. Distinction between rows and columns should also be clear and arranged well to make the reading experience easy.



Ensure that the platform also allows the turning of text to speech so that different abled people can be able to have access to your book. Readability by voice overs is important if you are going to ensure that the book can be heard in audio and it is important to look out for such features. Synchronized highlighting is therefore important and is something that you should look out for in an e publishing platform. Take more time to read this:

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